- Credits -
See my full list of credits with Showreel & Voice Reel on Spotlight
Short Film. Woman 1, The Other Truth, Red Tales Production & Hic et Nunc , Giovanna Volpi
Voice Over. A Network For Net Zero, COP26, SSEN Transmission
Short Film. Hestia, Blood Of Our Own, The End, Elaine Stirrat
Live Online. Pisanio, Cymbeline, The Show Must Go Online, Rob Myles
Short Film. Hestia, HOWL, The End, Catriona MacLeod
Music Video. Dancer, GSFF Opening Film, The Forest of Black, Kieran Howe
Rehearsed Reading. Alex, Human Animals, Tron Creative, Martin Foreman
Rehearsed Reading. Eilidh, W.I.T.C.H., Actors Night at The Lyceum, Louise Oliver
Rehearsed Reading. Female 2/Watson, YEMEN, Moon Fly Theatre Company at Traverse Theatre, Alice Langley
Rehearsed Reading. Dr RD Laing Jnr & Sir John Reid, THE YES NO PLAYS, SHIFT Theatre, Amy Liptrott
Voice Over. STV CHILDREN'S APPEAL, STV Promotions, Gill Hanlon
Music Video. Dancer, Sleep Talking, Odd Socks, Kieran Howe
Short Film. Georgina, Pink & Blue, GILR, Anna Whealing
Commercial. Sarah, Loudest & Proudest, RBS - Tanami, Will Herbert
Script Reading. Child 2, we came in a little red boat, Persistent & Nasty, Misha McCullagh
Short Film. Tig, AKIMBO, Stoned Boned Sober Productions, Georgia Middlemiss
Stage. Monster & Various, Frankomime's Monster - 18+ Edinburgh Horror Fest, Posturous Productions, Oliver Giggins
Script Reading. Helen, Kings, Persistent & Nasty, Elaine Stirrat
Short Film. Bradana, Against The Current, GILR, Delilah Rose Niel
Stage. Monster & Various, Frankomime's Monster - Edinburgh Fringe, Posturous Productions, Oliver Giggins
Stage. Envy, Doctor Faustus, Chimaera Productions, Ash Pryce
Short Film. Rachel in Standing On A Bridge, On Fire, Jon Stacey
Educational. Hope, Hope - UK Anti Bullying Production, The Take Away Theatre Company, Hazel May MacGregor
Voice Over. Jennifer & Streetlamp, The City Sleeps Alone, Joy Montgomery, Alien Queen Productions
Short Film. The Woman, The Hitman, Tam Hetherton, Christy Kail Film
Web Short. Vicki, Kidder, Louise Thornton, BBC The Social
Stage. Macbeth, Macbeth, David Lee-Michael, The Theatre - Langside Campus
Voice Over. eModule, Glasgow Clyde College
Short Film. Jane, Pandora, Elizabeth Gardner
Short Film. Lucy, Online, Beth Sustr
Music Video. Sarah, She's Resting With The Best of Them, Christy Kail, Christy Kail Film
Music Video. Emma, Dream Speed, Joseph O'Brien
Stage. Melinda & Sneezy, Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs, David Lee Michael, The Theatre - Langside Campus
Short Film. Laura, Rocks, Sophie Franklin
Stage. Mary - Union Leader, Hard Times, David Lee- Michael, The Theatre - Langside Campus
Script Development. Heather, Bliss, Niall Cook, 125 Theatre
Stage. Vaine & Various, Vernon God Little, Steven Dollan, The Jackson Studio - Langside Campus
Stage. Greek Chorus, Iphigenia, Steven Dollan, Athens of The North
Stage. Lea Katz, Pentecost, Steven Dollan, The Theatre - Langside Campus
Stage. Elaine, Calendar Girls, BJ McCommis, Biggar Theatre Workshops
Stage. Merteuil, Dangerous Liasons, Advanced Higher Drama Performance, Bathgate Academy
Short Film. Allison Reid, Different, Paul Donaldson
Stage. Medea, Medea, Ali de Souza, RCS Shakespeare & Greek Course
Stage. Cobweb, Midsummer Nights Dream, Ali de Souza, RCS Shakespeare & Greek Course
Stage. Antigone, Antigone, Paul Fontanna, UK Theatre School
Stage. Jeanine, Ordinary People, BJ McCommis, Biggar Theatre Workshops
Stage. Martha, Miracle Worker, BJ McCommis, Biggar Theatre Workshop
Other Performance Work
Corporate Role Play. News Reporter for Sanderling Training Exercise, Stephen Sinclair, Glasgow Airport
Interactive. Medium, Keep Calm & Scary On, Ash Pryce, Chimaera Productions
Murder Mystery. Tabitha, Season of Good Will, Alan Berkley, Deadly Acts Theatre
Murder Mystery. Callie, Back Room, Alan Berkley, Deadly Acts Theatre
Murder Mystery. Amelia, Sutherland Star, Alan Berkley, It's a Complete Mystery
Murder Mystery. Lillian, Back Room, Alan Berkley, It's a Complete Mystery
Murder Mystery. Champagne DeBarge/Agnes McMahon in Karyokay Killer, Jason Keating, Fifth Horseman Productions
Workshop Leader, Film and TV Classes, UKTheatre School, Screen Persona
Corporate TV and Film Workshop, St Mirrens Football Club, Screen Persona
Workshop Assistant, Youth Theatre, Green Door Theatre Company